Virtual reality is one of the few things that has caught our interest in today’s technology scene. We’re fascinated by our power to build our own reality, broaden our thoughts, and enjoy the new digital surroundings that have been made available to us as a civilization. Despite the fact that virtual reality is becoming more widely recognised and accepted as a household device, there are still some misconceptions about the technology. (Augmented reality medical education, virtual reality medical education, AR + VR medical education)


Virtual reality, like telephones and artificial intelligence, is a relatively new concept that has evolved and progressed over several decades. Virtual reality has been around for more than 50 years, with the earliest prototype, dubbed “The Sword of Damocles,” being built in 1966. The device was a head-mounted display that simulated a virtual environment by playing 3D graphics and audio and blowing air and bespoke scents. Despite the fact that the technology has been present since the 1960s, it was only available to individuals with large expenditures at the time. NASA and the United States Air Force were among the first to adapt and use virtual reality, investing millions of dollars and decades of research and development. Over time, digital companies have rushed in to help jumpstart the sector and propel VR to its current multibillion-dollar status.


Although VR has seen the most immediate benefits and popularity in the gaming and entertainment industries, it is already being used in many other industries and is predicted to be employed in practically every field in the near future. According to Goldman Sachs, the entertainment sector will only account for half of the total VR industry by 2025, with healthcare applications accounting for the majority of the non-entertainment VR market. Virtual reality is widely used in education at all levels, both for improved teaching techniques and as a distant education option. Because of VR’s vast application spectrum, industries such as business, military, exploration, and engineering are finding it simpler to gain traction and become leaders in the VR market.


This isn’t necessarily a myth, as there is some truth to it. Early iterations of virtual reality headsets were known to cause nausea and dizziness, a condition known as cyber sickness. Because the sensations in a VR world are focussed on the eyes rather than the full body, the human brain cannot adjust rapidly enough to all of them. The lack of physical reference points during movement can create discomfort or disorientation when the eyes detect a motion but the body does not.

Newer headsets, on the other hand, feature high-resolution displays and superior head-tracking capabilities, which have overcome the problem of cyber sickness for the vast majority of users. To alleviate the unpleasant impact, developers are generating greater frame rates, shorter latency times, and lower lag. If a user is apprehensive of or still gets VR motion sickness, the best method to ease them into an immersive experience is to do it gradually: only use VR for short periods of time at first, gradually increasing the amount of time spent in simulations. Sitting down can help reduce any nausea, and of course, the headset can be removed at any time.